Team Building with purpose

Highly participative & energising charity team building events that create real value for charity, your business & your team

Team Work

Charity Team Building develops soft skills, team dynamics or complex project frameworks. o3e’s experiences and expertise will work with you to help deliver your desired outcomes. Purpose-driven activities have enabled our clients to create exceptional experiences such as recruitment, induction, customer engagement, vision and values and learning & development. All of which are appealing to stakeholders.

Business Engagement

Studies show that people have higher engagement levels with cause-related work. Team Building for genuine social impact is highly motivating and rewarding. That is to say, taking part in a genuine purpose-driven activity directly benefits your away day or conference. Therefore, motivation and participation are high because the whole team are involved.

The Charity Team Building Company - About Us

In the UK and Europe, o3e is the leading Charity Team Building company founded to enable employee engagement and help organisations achieve their goals. It’s an opportunity for organisations to engage their employees as well as give back to charity. Why? Because it’s a brilliant thing to do.

Peter Lindsay, the founder of o3e, has a strong belief that through community and charity team building challenges we can all make a difference in society. Above all, help us to close the gap between the people that have and the valued members of our society who are barely getting by.

o3e’s vision is that any business can be a force for good. Charity team building should become an essential part when planning for the next conference,  exhibition and team off-site.

Why would you want to do anything else? Contact o3e

Please get in touch for more information

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charity team building


Give Something Back

charity team building

Charity Team Building means...

Team Building

Brilliant for breaking down barriers between teams and engaging with employees. In general, this is great for motivating your team to work better together and more efficiently.


Teams get to help your organisation give back to the community through participating in a fun and high energy event with tangible benefits to charity.


Perfect for businesses who want to increase motivation within their organisation. As a result, teams are left feeling closer, with a higher level of motivation.


In addition to giving everyone a chance to get involved and develop essential skills they can use in the office, a team away day offers the opportunity to learn together.

Some of our delighted customers

Our client Pfizer Logo
Alteryx Client Logo

and some of our delighted charities