Virtual Charity Team Building

Let the leaders in virtual charity team building help reconnect your team, from £18 per person.

Team Work

How are you going to unite your people, whilst working remotely? Our Virtual Charity Team Building will bring them together in a fun challenge, working to win items for local charities. It’s a win-win-win. We’ll make sure your objectives, values or learning are brought alive. Your people will rediscover company camaraderie. And the local charities will be forever grateful.

Exceptional Motivation

Following the tough times we’ve all worked through, our Virtual Charity Team Building is a brilliant way to revive your corporate spirit and culture. Studies show that people have higher engagement levels with cause-related work. Taking part in a genuine purpose-driven activity makes everyone feel that bit better.

O3e is the Virtual Charity Team Building Company

o3e is the leading Charity Team Building company in the UK and Europe. Founded to enable employee engagement to achieve a purpose in society, we create the opportunity for you to provide an amazing team building experience and give back to charity at the same time, because it’s a brilliant thing to do.

o3e has a strong belief that through community and charity team building challenges, we can all make a difference in society, helping to close the gap between the people that have, and the valued members of our society who are barely getting by.  

Our vision is that any business can be a force for good and team building for charity should become an essential part of any on line meeting or conference, 

Why would you want to do anything else?

Please download our virtual events brochure

Virtual Team Building Brochure

Some of our Virtual Charity Team Building events...

The Business of Giving

Business of Giving

An opportunity to run a Purpose focused business. This is great for learning and development, team work and incorporating team models like Drexler Sibbet High Performing Teams© or the Tuckman Model©. Succeed in your purpose and you profit, but fail and you lose everything!

Getting Ahead Virtual Team Building

Get Ahead

Make a difference to the 400,000 children who go to sleep at night without a bed. Get Ahead is a creative team building activity. Teams of 10 negotiate with each other to create an amazing work of art. Collaboration and understanding are the key to success. The entire event is managed on line with all the kit necessary posted to your team.

Zoning In Virtual Team Building

Zoning In

There is something for everyone in our newest online challenge. Already getting rave reviews from participants Zoning In is everything we have learnt about virtual team building over the last year!

Challenge your general knowledge in the Game Show Zone; Fight off a Robot Invasion in the Future Zone; Push your cerebral limits in the Grey Matter Zone; Reset, and finally restore and refocus in the Zen Zone.


virtual charity team building



charity team building

Virtual Charity Team Building means...

Team Building

Brilliant for breaking down barriers between teams, engaging with employees and motivating your team to work better together.


Teams get to help your organisation give back to the community through participating in a fun, high energy event with tangible benefits to charity.


Perfect for increasing motivation within your organisation. Teams leave feeling closer, with ket takeaway messages woven into their day.


A team day away where everyone has a chance to get involved and develop essential skills that will get taken back to the office.

Virtual Team Brochure

Please download our virtual events brochure

Virtual Team Building Brochure

Some of our delighted customers

Our client Pfizer Logo
Alteryx Client Logo

and some of our delighted charities