CSR Calculator (Beta)

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CSR Calculator

CSR Calculator

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The Charity Bike Build Company - About Us

o3e, is the leading Charity Bike Build company in the UK and Europe. Established to enable employee engagement to achieve a purpose in society. The opportunity for organisations to provide an amazing team building experience and give back to charity at the same time, because it’s a brilliant thing to do.

Peter Lindsay, the founder of o3e, has a strong belief that through community and charity team building challenges we can all make a difference in society. Help close the gap between the people that have and the valued members of our society who are barely getting by.

o3e’s vision is that any business can be a force for good. Team building for charity should become an essential part when planning for the next conference,  exhibition and team off-site.

Charity Bike Build has already built and donated over 2,500 bikes to charity. Become part of that legacy! Fast-paced, high levels of engagement, great communication, loads of laughter and at the end. You will be donating brand new, awesome bicycles to your chosen charity as a result of your team building event.

Join the teams and businesses who have already taken part in a charity bike build and built over 2,500 bikes for charity! Why would you want to do anything else? Contact o3e, the Charity Bike Build Company.

Some of our delighted customers

Our client Pfizer Logo
Alteryx Client Logo

and some of our delighted charities